Be on Guard! Be Alert!


God’s prophecies are swiftly being fulfilled. The Bible instructs us to discern the age by observing what is happening in the world and earnestly run toward the kingdom of heaven (Lk 12:54–57). It is important to read and hear the words of prophecy, but what is most important is to faithfully keep them (Rev 1:3). To partake in blessings, we must diligently obey everything that God has commanded us (Dt 28:1–14).

The Bible exhorts us to be on guard and be alert, comparing the coming of the Son of Man to the days of Noah (Mt 24:37–44). In Noah’s time, humanity had become deeply rebellious and wicked, prompting God to spare only Noah’s family while bringing destruction upon the rest. When God directed Noah to build an ark in preparation for a deluge that would cover the earth and gather both people and animals into it, Noah faithfully fulfilled God’s command with unwavering faith. By doing so, he secured the salvation of himself and his family.

In times of distress or impending destruction, God provides guidance on where to find refuge. When the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah warranted God’s punishment through fire, Lot and his daughters heeded the angel’s instructions and fled to Zoar, thus escaping the devastation. Similarly, prior to the destruction of Jerusalem, God prophesied its downfall but offered salvation to those who believed in His word and relocated to Pella, ensuring their survival.

In the Age of the Holy Spirit, God instructs us to flee to Zion, where God Almighty dwells. In Zion, God becomes our protector and fortress, shielding us from fear even in the face of disasters (Isa 33:20–24; Jer 4:5–6; Ps 32:7; 91:7–10). The Bible assures us that neither fire nor water can overcome us, for God promises to safeguard us through all trials (Isa 43:1–3). Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace because they refused to bow down to the image of gold, yet under God’s protection, not a hair was singed nor were their clothes scorched (Da 3:14–30). Similarly, when the Israelites, who observed the Passover, crossed the Red Sea and the Jordan River, God guided them safely into the land of Canaan.

The prophesied day approaches, likened to a burning furnace, yet the light of healing will illuminate those who revere His name, causing them to leap like calves released from the stall (Mal 4:1–2). As the holy flesh and blood of God enter us through the Passover, disasters flee upon encountering God’s blood and flesh. Therefore, it is imperative to invoke the name of God who instituted the Passover. In the Age of the Father, salvation came to those who invoked the name of Jehovah, while in the Age of the Son, salvation was found through calling upon the name of Jesus. Now, in the Age of the Holy Spirit, salvation is granted to those who call upon the name of Ahnsahnghong (Ro 10:13–15).

Before impending disaster strikes, it is crucial to guide the people of the world to safety (2 Pe 3:6–14). By guiding them to call upon the name of Christ Ahnsahnghong, who is among us, we ought to lead them to salvation. Our mortality underscores the urgency of God’s protection, as we never know when our time on earth will end. When we preach God’s word, those who hear it and understand it live, and those who preach the word also live (Eze 3:17–21).

Throughout history, many have triumphed in the name of God. David, as a youth, exhibited unwavering faith when facing the formidable Goliath. With fearless resolve, he declared, “In the name of the LORD, I come.” Witnessing David’s faith, God allowed his stone to strike Goliath’s forehead (1 Sa 17:32–50).

With God beside us, fear has no place. Let us preach these precious words of life to our hearts’ content. Beautiful are the feet of those who bring joyful good news. Let us have such beautiful mouths and beautiful feet. Since it is written, “Do not boast about tomorrow,” let us swiftly guide poor souls to repentance and the refuge of Zion, thereby pleasing our Heavenly Father (Pr 27:1; Lk 15:7). Let us diligently love our neighbors and lead countless souls into God’s embrace, so that we may forever shine as stars in heaven, basking in abundant blessings.