According to the Words of Prophecy


The Bible comprises the words of prophecy. God predetermined events before the creation of the world, and have been leading the redemptive work outlined in the Bible. Human life also unfolds according to prophecy. Failure to believe in these prophecies jeopardizes our salvation.

God is our light. As the children of the light are going out all over the world, shining the light of eternal life through the Passover and the light of salvation brought by Christ Ahnsahnghong, people are coming from all corners of the world. The prophecy, “Nations will come,” and “The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation” (Isa 60:1–22), are being fulfilled. Amid countless churches worldwide, only the one baptizing in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and invoking the name of the Holy Spirit, the Savior, fulfills these prophecies—the Church of God.

It is imperative to believe the words of prophecy, for as God declared, His word never returns empty but be accomplished (Isa 55:11). Blessed are those who not only read and hear the Bible but also abide by its teachings (Rev 1:3).

The Bible serves as our guide to salvation, delineating the paths to destruction and redemption. God’s compassion for us was immense, for despite our sins deserving death, He came down from heaven in human form, sharing our flesh, to teach us the path to heaven through the seven feasts in three times, including the Passover, the truth leading to eternal life. Although God has provided atonement for our sins, repentance, obedience to His commandments, and adherence to the new covenant are essential for us to reach heaven. We ought to cultivate a loving heart and comply with all the teachings of the Bible: “Love your neighbor as yourself,” “Consider others better than yourself,” “Be considerate of others,” “Endure,” and more.

We must heed God’s word and impart the path to salvation. Just as people heed weather forecasts and prepare accordingly, heeding warnings can help us navigate difficult situations. Disasters are prophesied in the Bible, but God forewarns us of them to help us avoid such disasters. True prophets faithfully convey God’s words without alteration, enabling people to navigate challenges and find salvation.

It is said that the light of healing shines upon those who believe in and revere the name of God. The Passover, God’s seal, serves as the remedy for disasters (Mal 4:1–3; Rev 7:1–3; Jn 6:27). By observing the New Covenant Passover, we invite God’s presence within us. Even if a disaster comes, it will see God’s blood and flesh within us and pass over us. God’s prophecy of bestowing the eternal kingdom of heaven, a new heaven and a new earth, upon those who remain faithful to His promise, will be indeed fulfilled (2 Pe 3:10–13).

We have come to the truth, believing in the words of prophecy promising us eternal life and entrance into heaven. We must prepare for salvation and deliver the Passover, the bread of life, to people who are perishing in disasters (Mt 24:37–44; Eze 3:17–19). Shouldn’t they also be ready for salvation if we promptly share with them even a single word of the truth of life?

Zion is the place where God bestows the food of life, the Passover bread and wine. Let us urgently beckon people to come to Zion without delay (Jer 4:5–6). The Bible affirms that those who lead many people to God’s side will be rewarded and shine like the stars in the kingdom of heaven (Da 12:1–3). No one can take away that glory. I fervently pray that you will emerge as true prophets, guiding numerous souls to the eternal kingdom of heaven, where you will shine for ever and ever.