We Are One Body in God’s Love


The children of Zion are rising and eagerly spreading the gospel worldwide. Our remarkable endeavor of guiding numerous souls toward the path of truth and salvation is captivating the attention of the entire world, just as our Father foretold. We are witnessing the fact that when we obey the words of God, amazing miracles take place.

In these times, as prophesied, disasters abound. It becomes increasingly imperative to fortify our faith. Our responsibility is to prepare humanity to embrace faith, thereby enabling them to deserve of entry into the kingdom of heaven. Are we not the ministers of the new covenant, bringing hope and salvation to those despairing amidst disasters? As heirs of the heavenly kingdom, dedicated fulfillment of our spiritual duty promises heavenly rewards.

When a soul undergoes baptism, the joy that fills us is akin to possessing the entire world. This elation stems from the culmination of our diligent efforts, enduring hardships, unwavering dedication, and fervent prayers.

We rejoice together because we are one body in one Spirit. Keeping in step with the prophecy, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mt 28:19–20; Mk 16:15), the members went on short-term missions and led numerous souls to the gospel, and the children of Zion all over the world rejoiced together. It is because our body bore fruit.

If we acknowledge God as the head, each of us is a part of the same body, performing diverse roles like eyes, nose, ears, and other functions (1 Co 12:12–27). Let us earnestly share the gospel with those we encounter in our respective spheres: employees in their workplaces, students in their schools, soldiers in their military bases, and homemakers in their communities. Father said that the mouth that delivers the gospel is beautiful, and the feet that walk with that mouth are equally beautiful (Ro 10:14–15). Let us, as parts of one body, unite and work together to save one soul, carrying the beautiful mouth.

We are one in God’s love. When something good happens, the entire body rejoices. The joyful news is conveyed by the ears, and what is seen is conveyed by the eyes. Although the soles of our feet may remain hidden, you cannot move without them. Because we are one body, every part holds inherent value. When one part of the body is injured, the entire body feels the pain. A signal of pain starts from the head, and the entire body turn its attention there and share in the suffering as one.

Every part of the body holds significance; none are insignificant. Therefore, let us forsake jealousy among our brothers and sisters and instead unite in love. Speaking with grace in the Holy Spirit, words that nurture faith and fortify spirits, will yield abundant fruit in those who listen (Eph 4:22–32). Since it is written that the humble will be saved, let us always be considerate of and encourage our brothers and sisters with a humble heart and humble words. Preaching the gospel guided solely by our own understanding may yield slow growth, but aligning with the mind of God ensures fruitful outcomes. Let us disseminate God’s word as it is, spreading the gospel with the spirit of love and sacrifice like Christ who humbled and sacrificed Himself even to the point of death on the cross to save our souls (Eze 3:17; Php 2:5–8). Then, we will definitely bear fruit.

Father continues to prepare for us the wondrous splendor of heaven that we have never seen or heard of. To enter the kingdom of heaven, we must refrain from indulging in worldly pleasures or engaging in unethical deeds. Instead, we must undergo a transformation, shedding the stains of sin, to emerge as beautiful and righteous children of God (Ro 12:1–2). Let us diligently stockpile the oil of faith, akin to the wise virgins, ensuring our readiness for the glorious transformation into the likeness of God, paving our way to ascend to heaven. May our earnest efforts lead numerous souls to repentance, enabling us to bask in eternal glory alongside God, as beloved children.