The Feast of Tabernacles and the Holy Spirit Movement


Thank you for your dedication to observing God’s feasts this year, too. By earnestly seeking the Holy Spirit of the latter rain promised on the Feast of Tabernacles, you have received it.

During the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus preached to people to receive the water of life. Now, in the age of truth, the Holy Spirit and the Bride call upon us to receive the Holy Spirit (Jn 7:2, 14, 37–39; Rev 22:17). Those who come to observe the Feast of Tabernacles are promised the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, while those who neglect it face God’s judgment (Zec 14:16–19). To evade disasters and receive salvation, it is imperative that we all observe the Feast of Tabernacles. Having heard, understood, and observed this precious truth, we have received eternal life and the promise of entry into the kingdom of heaven. How blessed we are! Yet, many remain unaware, unable to join us. Let us not go to heaven alone, but diligently spread the word to those who unaware of God’s truth and are perishing, urging them to come and keep the Feast of Tabernacles. Since we have received the Holy Spirit, let us engage in the Holy Spirit Movement.

In this age, many people are earnestly seeking the water of life. The Bible warns that in the last days, there will be a famine, not for lack of food or water, but for hearing the word of God (Am 8:11–13). People are searching for a place where they can escape disasters, live eternally, and find true happiness, yet they cannot find it. Let us share the water of life with them. We simply need to confidently proclaim that in Zion, we have the blessing of escaping disasters, receiving eternal life, and entering into the joyous kingdom of heaven.

Jesus made a specific request to Peter three times. He said, “Do you love me? Then feed my sheep” (Jn 21:15–17). Isn’t this what He is saying, “Just as I have searched for the lost on this earth, if you seek your lost brother in heaven, you are loving me’? In this age, Christ Ahnsahnghong made the same request. He said that He came to preach on this earth both at His first coming and at His second coming, and that all that remains now is to preach diligently (Mk 1:35–39; Mt 28:18–20). If we love Heavenly Father Ahnsahnghong, we will also seek the lost sheep, feed them with the fruit of the tree of life, and share the water of life with them. Now, disasters are rampant around the world, and scientists are warning of a crisis on Earth. We must prepare spiritually by keeping the Passover, which saves us from disasters. Jesus said, “You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you don’t know how to interpret this present time? Let God’s people quickly flee to safe Zion before the distress comes” (Lk 12:54–57; Jer 4:5–6). In Zion, where God’s feasts are celebrated, Mighty God is with us, protecting us (Isa 33:20–24).

Let us strive to save even one more soul before the impending destruction arrives. Just as the Samaritan woman recognized Jesus and exclaimed, “Come and see! Could this be the Christ?” thereby saving many people (Jn 4:3–30), let us also proclaim, “Come to Zion and see Christ Ahnsahnghong, who has brought us the fruit of the tree of life.” Having received the Holy Spirit on the Feast of Tabernacles, let us diligently seek out God’s sheep and nourish them with the bread of life. God takes great pleasure in leading sinners to repentance (Lk 15:7). Imagine the joy if a child presumed dead were to return to life. God harbors the same heart.

The greatest act of love is to guide numerous people to Zion, impart the New Covenant Passover—the fruit of the tree of life brought by Christ Ahnsahnghong, and rescue them from eternal death. As the children of Zion, let us please Heavenly Father Ahnsahnghong by demonstrating this profound love and be praised by Him in heaven.