Good Things and Bad Things


The Bible warns that in the last days people will be proud, lovers of themselves, angry, quarrelsome, and will not be considerate of their neighbors (2 Ti 3:1–5). God teaches us not to conform to the pattern of this corrupt world, but set our minds on things above. Children resemble their parents. As the children of God, we have received the love of our Heavenly Father, who redeemed humanity through His holy sacrifice. Therefore, it is our duty to emulate God’s compassionate heart and glorify God through our good deeds.

God is transforming His children, who were once steeped in sin, into virtuous individuals. He separates the good from the bad, akin to how fishermen gather good fish into baskets while discarding the bad ones, as illustrated in the parable (Mt 13:47–50). Not everyone will enter heaven, but only those who exemplify goodness and humility by considering others above themselves and faithfully obeying God’s teachings (Mt 25:31–46).

God’s word is our life, our spirit, and the glory of the kingdom of heaven (Jn 6:63; 12:48–50). Drawing near to God’s word signifies drawing near to God Himself. By actively listening to and applying God’s teachings in our lives, we receive blessings and secure an eternal place in the magnificent kingdom of heaven alongside God.

Father taught us, “Love your neighbor as yourself, and you will live forever” (Lk 10:25–28). When we strive to avoid causing offense to others, instead seeking to bring them joy, offering comfort in times of trouble, and offering praise when things go well, we demonstrate love for our neighbors. Let us refrain from speaking words that inflict pain or provoking anger, but instead use kind words that soothe the frustrations of those around us. To lead others to salvation, we must engage in numerous acts of kindness. Observing our good deeds, they will be receptive to our message of truth, and we will yield the fruits of our preaching efforts.

It is often said, “Resist the devil, and love your brothers and sisters whom you may perceive as enemies.” True love involves forgiveness. When we forgive our brothers and sisters, God, in turn, forgives us and guides us to heaven (Mt 6:14–15). The Bible assures us that God will not judge us but will generously bless us like a good measure pressed down, shaken together, and running over, if we refrain from passing judgment on others (Lk 6:37–38). Parents reward their children when they please them. Therefore, to receive God’s bountiful blessings, we must strive to be good children.

As the spiritual potter, God is shaping us into vessels fit for use in the kingdom of heaven (Isa 64:8; Jer 18:1–4). It is said that to enter heaven, we must become good vessels. Those who keep God’s commandments and practice God’s word will be reborn with a beautiful and tender heart. When God commands forgiveness, forgive; when He calls for goodness, embody goodness. By following God’s transformative guidance, we will receive a rich welcome into heaven. (2 Pe 1:3–4).

God finds great joy when we guide sinners toward repentance and help bring them into heaven. So, let us endeavor to lead many sinners, whose souls are dying, to repentance and transform them into righteous beings worthy of the heavenly kingdom. In doing so, let us present exquisite fruits to our Father. God grants much fruit to those who faithfully keep His word (Jn 15:3–5).

When we cultivate goodness and beauty and stand united, God bestows upon us blessings and the promise of eternal life (Ps 133:1–3). Let us forge unity through love. Let us extend a guiding hand to those in this world gripped by fear and anxiety, leading them to Zion, where they can find refuge from calamity and secure everlasting life. Let our actions be guided by love, believing in the life-giving power of God’s word and faithfully putting it into practice. May you become good children worthy of placement in God’s basket, bringing delight to His heart and shining eternally in the heavenly kingdom!