God Is Our Mighty One


In this world, many situations arise that disrupt our peace. Accidents happen unexpectedly, illness strikes, and danger is always near; such is life in this world. Only God our Father can protect us from these dangers and grant us the eternal blessing of the kingdom of heaven.

The Bible tells us that God, who possesses such power, is our Mighty One in Zion, where the festivals are celebrated (Isa 33:20–22). God saves His children from all dangers (Isa 43:1–3). Since the Mighty God is always with us, let us be confident and strong no matter where we go. By partaking in God’s holy body on the Passover, we have been cleansed from our sins and now dwell in God. Therefore, we must remain in Him at all times, without straying even for a moment (Jn 15:1–7). To be protected from danger, we must not leave God. Abiding in Him is the way to attain eternal peace.

Once upon a time, a king announced that he would offer a great reward to the person who could paint the most peaceful and serene scene. Among the many paintings presented, the king chose one that depicted a sky filled with dark, ominous clouds, and fierce lightning. The scene showed sharp mountain peaks and a treacherous cliff, with a hailstorm pouring down. Yet within the painting, nestled in the rocky wall of the dangerous cliff, was a small bird’s nest. Despite the raging storm, the birds inside the nest peeked out, seemingly unbothered by the chaos around them. The king found this scene to be the best representation of serenity. He realized that true peace means feeling safe and content even in the midst of terrifying circumstances as if the world were about to collapse.

Today, despite the many disasters occurring, we remain under God’s protection in the safe haven of Zion, where God is with us. Isn’t the reason we observe the Passover to avoid disasters, receive eternal life, and ultimately enter the disaster-free and peaceful kingdom of heaven? God assures us, “So do not fear, for I am with you through all kinds of danger” (Isa 41:10–13). Conversely, if we are not with God and do not draw near to Him, we cannot escape disasters (Am 9:2–3).

Let us always walk with God. Just as God came in the form of a man and humbled Himself, we can see that those who are with God possess a heart that humbly considers others better than themselves and serves them (Php 2:2–10). We must shed our sinful ways of hurting our brothers and sisters with harsh words and a lack of consideration. Even if we have an argument, we should reconcile before the sun sets and speak only words that benefit one another (Eph 4:22–29). To be with God, we must live according to His words. The book of Psalms states, “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! For there the LORD bestows His blessing, even life forevermore” (Ps 133:1–3). When we unite in love, God protects us and guides us to the kingdom of heaven. To dwell in the beautiful kingdom of heaven with God, we must be reborn in a beautiful image like His (Jn 3:3; 1 Co 2:9). As heavenly citizens, we should live in harmony and keep the fervor of our faith alive (Php 3:20–21).

God protects His children in Zion from the fiery punishment of hell, transforming them into beautiful beings both in appearance and heart, and leads them to heaven. Let us give thanks to God for such profound love. We must resolve never to go to hell, for we are soon to journey through the beautiful galaxies of heaven. All of God’s teachings are rooted in His love, designed to transform us and guide us to the kingdom of heaven. Let us give thanks to our Mighty God, who is always with us. May you receive abundant blessings by obeying God’s words until you enter the heavenly kingdom.