Fruitful Autumn Tree


As it is prophesied that nations will stream to find the way of life when the time comes, indeed, many people are now coming to Zion. In the world overwhelmed by unpresedented disasters—earthquakes, scorching heatwaves, floods—those who once felt helpless are now opening their hearts to God’s word and streaming to Zion.

Seeing this timing and signs, we must diligently preach the gospel. The Bible teaches us that we will reap what we sow (Gal 6:6ᅳ9). If we do not plant seeds, nothing will grow. Just as beans sprout where beans are sown and red beans grow where red beans are planted, where God’s word is sown, God’s children are born. Let us not become like fruitless autumn trees, but instead sow earnestly and strive to be fruitful in this season.

In Zion, we are preparing for the kingdom of heaven. We should not be like servants who merely pass the time, but rather work with mature faith as sons and daughters who will receive God’s inheritance (Gal 4:6–9). To achieve this, we must obey God’s word. People naturally act based on what they see and hear, often imitating the company they keep. Today, the world is filled with influences that do not benefit believers and are morally corrupt (2 Ti 3:1–5). To avoid being swept away by this corrupt world, we need to anchor ourselves in God’s word. When we dedicate ourselves to God’s word and live by it, the devil will flee. By studying God’s word, we can focus on God and experience the fragrance of Zion. However, when we fail to see, hear, and live by the word of God, we become arrogant, leading us to associate with the prideful, engage in disputes, and cultivate a corrupt heart. The greatest danger is losing the truth within us. Just as missing a few meals leaves us weak and lacking energy, going a few days without the word of God—the food of life—can cause us to drift away from Him entirely. This is why God urges us to stay devoted to His word (1 Ti 6:3ᅳ6).

The Bible is the book that perfects us as God’s people and guides us to do good even in a fallen world (2 Ti 3:14ᅳ17). It contains countless teachings that instruct us to live righteously and to lead many souls to the kingdom of heaven. Moreover, it is written that woe is upon us if we do not preach the gospel. If we neglect those who could be saved with just a word, “Come to Zion,” the responsibility rests on us who are called to bear God’s heart. Those who are sealed with the Passover are spared from disaster because they carry the flesh and blood of God within them. However, those without this seal will face harm (Rev 9:4). When we see someone stuck in a pit, crying out for help, isn’t it natural to want to pull them out? If we leave them there, they are bound to suffer a disaster, and it’s just so pitiful. If we withhold the word of life from those facing death, we truly lack love. Saving them before the day of God’s prophesied judgment is the ultimate act of love (2 Pe 3:6ᅳ13).

The Bible urges us to gather in Zion before disaster comes (Jer 4:5). In Zion, we are under God’s protection that ensures even a hair is not singed. We can see this in history. Now that the prophecies of the Bible are nearly fulfilled, we must urgently preach the message to flee to Zion to avoid disaster (Rev 18:1–6). When a disaster comes, those who have heard the gospel come to Zion, but those who haven’t will not know where to go. Let us go out and share the greatest gift of life with many people. Imagine the joy and gratitude of those who, having been saved from hell, reach heaven because they heard the truth from us!

God has called us to spread the Passover of the new covenant throughout the world. Everyone has the right to be saved. This mission is not a heavy burden or hard work, but a beautiful purpose. Please use your beautiful mouths to save lives by sharing the new covenant with everyone you meet. Although the gospel has reached many, there are still countless neighbors who have yet to hear. Let us diligently spread God’s word, rescuing souls from disaster and guiding them to the kingdom of heaven, where joy overflows. May each of you receive much love and many blessings from our Father!