You Must Be Born Again to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven


While talking with our Zion members, it becomes evident that they have a common wish. They wish to abound in love, bear abundant fruit of the gospel, and transform into a beautiful character, consistently aspiring to the kingdom of heaven. As God is love, His children are also characterized by love, not just desiring what is good for themselves but seeking what brings happiness to everyone.

Children resemble their parents. God’s children must be reborn into love by resembling God (1 Jn 4:7–8; Jn 3:3). For the children who committed sins deserving death in heaven and were destined for eternal death, God sacrificed His own life, dying in our place. The precious blood of God, granting us life through His atonement, is the greatest love bestowed upon us. Because we have come to know this love, we believe in God, follow Him, and go to heaven.

Since we have received the greatest love from God, what more could we desire? God said, “As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (Jn 13:34). This means that since God has loved us and given us eternal life, we should not seek to only receive love, but give love. When we give and consider one another, joy comes to us and we will not be tempted. Love considers whether the words we speak will cause joy, happiness, or any hurt to the other person. Before believing in God, we used to speak and act as we pleased, doing things our own way. However, now we must consider others before ourselves, following God’s word. Loving each other is the process of being born again.

To be reborn, we must embrace the good and beautiful heart of Christ, who prayed for sinners and made sacrifices on our behalf for our salvation. Love is patient and gentle. Love is not proud and rude. Love is not seeking our own benefit but thinking of others first (1 Co 13:4–7). In every aspect, including words and actions, we should be the salt and light of the world, worthy of God’s sons and daughters.

The transformation from a selfish heart to a loving one is challenging. However, by doing that difficult thing, we receive many blessings. Apostle Paul said, “I face death every day.” It doesn’t mean physical death but killing pride and worldly desires daily. Only when the sinful nature die within us, Christ can work within us and love can be bestowed upon others through us.

We are sharing the true love that grants people eternal life through the Passover. To deliver this love, we need to have a beautiful heart, engage in compassionate actions, use good words, and extend kindness to our neighbors in need. Why don’t you try it? Loving and giving become habits when you try them. When you pray and put it into practice, God recognizes your efforts and transforms you to be beautiful children of God.

Hardships often accompany our work for the gospel. However, these difficulties are regarded as beneficial suffering, as they ultimately lead us to receive glory in heaven. A person who endures hardship while doing good deeds shines with a bright name. Those who go to Samaria and the ends of the earth to find the lost ones and spread the gospel are spiritual independence activists who will restore the kingdom of heaven. How beautiful are the feet that go to save those who are destined to die? How much does God love those who undertake the task of guiding a soul destined for punishment in hell to reach heaven? That’s why God said He would make those the royal priesthood.

In the kingdom of heaven, where new creation always takes place, you will get never tired of it even if you live forever. Strive to enter heaven, where you dine with God at the same table amid the ongoing celebration in the galaxies. If you believe God’s word and put it into practice, you can be reborn. Children of Zion, I hope that you will find all our lost heavenly family members, guide them to be reborn, and enter the kingdom of heaven together.