God Is Only One. How Can We Say There Are Two Gods?


Many people think that there is only one God. Because the Bible often describes God as one, it is natural to assume there is only God the Father.

For there is one God . . . 1 Ti 2:5

God, the blessed and only Ruler, . . . 1 Ti 6:15

It is true that these verses show that God is one; however, we cannot quickly assume that there is only one God. Contrary to common beliefs, the Bible testifies about God the Mother as well as God the Father.

The Reason God Says “Us”

According to Jesus’ teachings, many Christians call God “Father” (Mt 6:9). If there is only God the Father, this means that He must always be expressed in the singular form. However, in Genesis 1, the plural form was used to refer to God.

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, . . . Ge 1:26

Why is God expressed in the plural form instead of the singular? If there is only one God, He should have said, “Let me make man in my image, in my likeness.” God clearly said “us” which is plural. This means there must be more than one God.

Understanding the Meaning of the One God Through the One Man Adam

To correctly understand God, we need to think of Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve were created in the image and likeness of God. In other words, they are a copy of God’s original image.

Adam and Eve existed as two separate people. However, the Bible sometimes describes Adam and Eve as one person.

Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man . . . Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, . . . For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, . . . Ro 5:12–15

Here, the “trespass of the one man” indicates Adam’s sin. In fact, Eve was the one who sinned first (Ge 3:6). It would be more accurate to say that it was the sin of one person, Eve, or the sin of two people, Adam and Eve. The Bible, however, says that it was the sin of one man, Adam. It is because Adam and Eve are regarded as one. The process of creation of Eve was unlike that of Adam who was made from the dust. Eve was made from Adam’s rib. Because of this, the Bible says that Adam and Eve became one flesh.

Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, . . . For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. Ge 2:22–24

In the Bible, about the action that Adam and Eve did together, it says that Adam did it alone. In the same way, God the Father can also be described as doing things alone. However, God, who is referred to as “us,” exists as God the Father and God the Mother (Ge 1:26–27). As Adam and Eve can be described as the one man Adam, God the Father and God the Mother can be described as one God. That is why the Bible says that God exists as both God the Father and God the Mother, but also describes God as “the only Ruler.”

The term “only” does not mean that God the Father is the only God. Because God said “us,” God must exist as God the Father and God the Mother.